home screen


Number Of Result : 0

Result :

Friday, March 27, 2009

Using UpdateSource and UpdateTarget

Notice: if you use Mode=OneWay, you can not get BindingExpression(it will return null),
so you still Mode=TwoWay, so you append 1 type is: "UpdateSourceTrigger=Explicit" in Binding
For example:

Text="{Binding Path=NameHS,UpdateSourceTrigger=Explicit}"

After that you use UpdateSource And UpdateTarget via BindingExpression

BindingExpression be = textBox_Test.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty);
//update source
be.UpdateSource() ;

//update target
be.UpdateTarget() ;

- UpdateSource and UpdateTarget for Children of FrameworkElement

public static partial class BindingHelper
public static void UpdateSource(this UIElement control , params Type_DependencyProperty[] list)

PrintLogicalTree(control , (be)=> be.UpdateSource() , list);

public static void UpdateTarget(this UIElement control, params Type_DependencyProperty[] list)

PrintLogicalTree(control, (be) => be.UpdateTarget() , list);

private static void PrintLogicalTree(object obj, Action action, params Type_DependencyProperty[] list)
// Sometimes leaf nodes aren’t DependencyObjects (e.g. strings)
if (!(obj is DependencyObject)) return;

// Recursive call for each logical child
FrameworkElement element = obj as FrameworkElement;
if (element != null)

//Get dependency Property
DependencyProperty dp = FactoryDependencyPropertyCommon(element);

if (dp == null)
Type_DependencyProperty type_Dependency = list.FirstOrDefault(tdp => tdp.Type == element.GetType());
if (type_Dependency != null)
dp = type_Dependency.DependencyProperty;

if (dp != null)
BindingExpression be = element.GetBindingExpression(dp);
if (be != null && action != null)

foreach (object child in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(obj as DependencyObject))
PrintLogicalTree(child, action, list);

private static DependencyProperty FactoryDependencyPropertyCommon(FrameworkElement element)
//if (element.GetType() == typeof(TextBox))
// return TextBox.TextProperty;
//else if (element.GetType() == typeof(CheckBox))
// return CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty;
return null;


public class Type_DependencyProperty
public Type Type { get; set; }
public DependencyProperty DependencyProperty { get; set; }

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